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My partner and I haven't been having much sex at all this year-especially in comparison to before. It is almost as if he has gotten off the honeymoon phase sex wise; but we talked about it and we are both happy with where we are. I just wanted to make sure everything was cool and figure out how to proceed if a certain feeling was to come to be.
My partner and I haven't been having much sex at all this year-especially in comparison to before. It is almost as if he has gotten off the honeymoon phase sex wise; but we talked about it and we are both happy with where we are. I just wanted to make sure everything was cool and figure out how to proceed if a certain feeling was to come to be.
the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!
she doesnt like that
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awesome needs english
No tits and no sound very poor video.
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The other girl deserved an orgasm too!