See and discover other items: THe top also acts as a guide for the submissive taking him to the underworld and back. He has done his research and produced a top rate product. September 10, - Published on Amazon. For my money it's one of the most perceptive and intelligent books on BDSM I've read, and also contains more intelligent advice in its pages than all the other self-help books I've read put together. To do this work makes it not only ethical through consent but sacred, and gives them a gift of an intense ordeal that they will not forget, and that will help them work with their own limits around pain and fear and endurance. When they sign their life over to someone else that they will call Sir or Ma'am for however long their agreement lasts?
Asphodel Press: Dark Moon Rising: Pagan BDSM & the Ordeal Path
Dark Moon Rising: Pagan BDSM & the Ordeal Path
No review could capture all the details of this book.. The neo-pagan community has, in general, been more than a bit suspicious of the BDSM and body modification phenomenon that is slowly gaining momentum across its demographic. However, people tend to be extremely subjective about what looks like an act of love or pleasure to them, and they tend to judge it on their own desire for that act, not whether someone else might find it just the ticket for a hot Saturday night. Some of the more painful rituals include the Lakota sun dance where in the celebrant put hooks though his body and supends himself. This book explores the crossover points between both these communities and practices, a cross-section which is growing steadily, baring controversial articles on topics as diverse as sacred pain, bondage, hook suspension, cathartic Pagan ritual, the spirituality of dominance and submission, and being the slave of the Gods.
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Because I am also a shaman, I have died and come back literally, had a near-death experience, a series of divine visitations, and a sex change, and that's about as severe as a shamanic rebirth gets in our modern culture and everything I do must be channeled towards the sacred. Throughout history, from the Hindu Kavadi ceremony to the Lakota Sun Dance, the Ordeal Path has been an honored spiritual road to the magic of the flesh, and to touching the Gods. Given that there's not a lot in prin Much of what's here has been published online: Some of the more painful rituals include the Lakota sun dance where in the celebrant put hooks though his body and supends himself. Simultaneously, many practitioners of secular Bdsm are finding themselves having spiritual experiences in the middle of their most secular scenes.

The best book by Raven Kaldera that I've read so far, although I wish he had gone into more detail on the subject of energy work. Joshua Raven's slave also writes severl essays. Want to Read saving…. This book is a wonderful message telling those who do travel the path that they are not alone and it validates their calling. People who just don't like pain may see its deliberate infliction as abusive, and the desire for that infliction as sick and codependent. It's broken down into several major sections including sacred pain, the journey into the underworld, the path of service and mastery, and the gods and goddesses and their relationship to BDSM.
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