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Great video, except the whole time I was thinking that the guy totally blew it. What a dumbass. He had another girl actually put down the camera, take her clothes off, and come over to the bed, and he acted like she didn't even exist. Had he shown her even the small degree of attention she would have been all in. Epic fail.
On an interesting note, the straight, cis, male partners I've had who *did trust me to relate my experiences in this body has been like, Ooh, you surge? That's so cool! Can you tell me about it? What does it feel like? Is that something we can do for you together? The straight, cis, male partners I've had who did *not think that female ejaculation exists (like it's Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy and they get to declare my bodily functions as mythical? were repulsed by the idea that my body did something they did not understand.В
Wow girl can suck.
My hot blond girl just have me a blow job like that in parking lot
Great video, except the whole time I was thinking that the guy totally blew it. What a dumbass. He had another girl actually put down the camera, take her clothes off, and come over to the bed, and he acted like she didn't even exist. Had he shown her even the small degree of attention she would have been all in. Epic fail.
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Can't get enough of her !! Wish her name & more vids of her were available...all of her
Stick it to her hard. Make her moan. She'll think twice about flirting with other men.
On an interesting note, the straight, cis, male partners I've had who *did trust me to relate my experiences in this body has been like, Ooh, you surge? That's so cool! Can you tell me about it? What does it feel like? Is that something we can do for you together? The straight, cis, male partners I've had who did *not think that female ejaculation exists (like it's Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy and they get to declare my bodily functions as mythical? were repulsed by the idea that my body did something they did not understand.В
Haha, atleast there are good news on the TV!