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Some argue that too much can ruin your sex life, others that it offends God. Believe it or not, your brain has no limits. When I play a violent army video game this glorifies God by my exercising my masculine aggressive tendencies in healthy way. More From Thought Catalog. Sign in Get started. However not one Scripture passage including this one from Ephesians 5:
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Extremely picky, turned off in a flash. But if you examine the Scriptures and see that it does not condemn sexual imagination, viewing sexual images or masturbating you can be sure these things are not sinful and enjoy them in full faith knowing you are acting in ways in which God designed you to act. I started caring in general about how I looked. How does drinking alcohol glorify God? These activates only become sinful when they stop us from fully living out our sexual design by seeking out a woman in marriage and having sex with her. Sign up for the Thought Catalog Weekly and get the best stories from the week to your inbox every Friday.
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