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All of your birthday party guests need to be prepared to supply the male stripper with tips, and should have small bills ready to hand out. See More Black Male Strippers. Do you bring your own music? I am Enrique, a professional male exotic dancer with 10 years of experience in providing the highest quality entertainment for hundreds of parties and events across Ontario. I would definitely refer you to someone else and use you again. I do not require a credit card. Do you come to the party already dressed in a costume or do you need to change when you arrive at the party?
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We have a range of costumes you can choose from: Hotseat When joining the Muscle Men Male Revue Show keep in mind that the interaction during the show is something that makes this strip show really special. Coming up with the date and location, the guest list and refreshments for the birthday party is all you need to do if you hire a high-energy male stripper with us to bring the entertainment to the party. Some birthday parties call for special entertainment that only a male stripper can provide. Muscle Men Male Strip Clubs and Revue Shows are just the right mix of classy and sexy to keep you ladies at the edge of your seats all night long.
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Your readiness and willingness to have a terrific evening are the biggest factors for the most fun at the birthday party. See More White Male Strippers. This Male Revue Strip Show will knock your socks off, with stellar performances from some of the hottest male strippers you will ever see in some of the hottest costumes your mind can imagine! Click the pictures or links below to see more.
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Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. One that knows how to dance and put on a classy, fun entertaining show for all of your guests! What costume choices do you have available? Very respectful and strong. However if you are looking for a specific date and time, I highly suggest booking in advance to secure your date and time. How do I book you, and what will I need?
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