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Brawl Super Smash Bros. Even still, an official height for Captain Falcon has never been stated. Dark Samus is the best clone fighter ever. That being said, Zero Suit Samus is very quick with great reach, so there are tactical reasons to fight as is. Game and Watch's Guide. For example, there are two versions of the character in the Super Smash Bros. When you have as many big franchises as Nintendo, putting them all in one game will make that game is very big boy indeed.
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Zero_Suit_Samus - Metroid Wiki

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In the Metroid series, it was standard that Samus would remove her helmet and armor if you cleared the game fast enough. Hunters Metroid Prime 3: Retrieved from " https: The suit's name is a reference to Metroid: Other M is the second time in the series where Samus is playable in her Zero Suit, but like in Zero Mission , this only occurs near the end of the game.
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Samus appears in her Zero Suit very briefly during ending sequences for Metroid Prime 2: Zero Suit Samus reappears as a standalone playable character. Zero Suit Samus is equipped with the Paralyzer she wielded in Zero Mission , which grants her the ability to fire paralyzing blasts. Zero Suit Samus's Final Smash.
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Read Wii Fit Trainer's Guide. The Metroid manga gets a little deeper into the origins of Samus' Chozo DNA, but the science behind her hybrid ways is still largely left to the imagination. Retrieved from " https: Other M , she carries herself with a level of intelligent sophistication. Fortunately, Samus Aran is the whole package. Without her Power Suit, Samus Aran may not have her usual strength, specials moves or over-powered arm cannon, but her Jet Boots definitely kick things up a notch in their own way.
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