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Retrieved 4 September Here, Masters champion Nick Faldo helps Woods into his new green jacket. Retrieved 30 November Ford continued to fare well in the s, with the second and third generations of the Ford Taurus being named the best selling car in the United States from to The Soviet Union officially dissolved in December Branch Davidian raid — After a day standoff between federal agents and members of the Branch Davidian religious group, federal authorities raided the Waco, Texas, compound where authorities said the group's leader, David Koresh, and his followers were stockpiling weapons. This April 19, , photo shows the massive fire that resulted from the siege, which killed dozens of Branch Davidians and led to criticism of the government's handling of the situation.
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Retrieved 11 June The Red Guard movement was a form of "bureaucratic politics with mass participation" — manipulated but not controlled by elite sponsors, driven by the divergent interests of student groups but heavily shaped by Chinese institutions even as they were thrown into disarray. Superbike - World Championships - Imola. Ironically, the formal drift in revolutionary cinema, though corresponding to an ever increasing importance of ideology, may have helped to set the stage for the collapse of the authority of Maoism.
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A fire destroyed the Administration Office and Detention of Angel Island, resulting in the UF mandated closing of the immigration center. Vision Of Roiling Ocean: Moreover, the new modes of Qing imperialism were a hybrid of East Asian and Western mechanisms and institutions. This drift accompanied a shift in the idea of the "real" from an existential category to an epistemological or even metaphysical category.
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Final Fantasy debuted in North America in for the NES, and remains among the most popular video game franchises , with many new titles to date and more in development, plus numerous spin-offs, sequels, films and related titles. Widespread concerns among environmentalists about the Three Gorges Dam project. In , nude shades became desirable and women had a broader color palette in brown. Tides of Darkness in , setting up the first major real-time strategy competition and popularizing multiplayer capabilities in RTS games. List of wars — Retrieved 17 September High and High sided ponytails continued through most of the decade, especially when playing sports and at the gym.
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