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Never been more jealous of Ted! When Hilton stated publicly that she was "out of it", didn't know what she was doing during the taping of the video and did not approve its public release, Salomon sued Hilton for defamation. This page was last edited on 6 March , at Paris has always been a bit of a sleaze, so leaking a video with Rick Solomon seems par for the course. Archived from the original on February 2, Confessions of an Heiress Your Heiress Diary:
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Well, that precious piece of footage was so damn hot, it could have melted the internet. Facial , big , tits , hardcore , schoolgirl , blonde , teen , teacher , Uniform , Hilton , teamskeet. Paris shows her tits on live tv. Paris Hilton The Famous Blowjob.
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Paris shows her tits on live tv. French teenager gets fucked before going to Paris University. Terms of Service Privacy Policy. Paris Hilton lookalike loves piss. Facial , big , tits , hardcore , schoolgirl , blonde , teen , teacher , Uniform , Hilton , teamskeet.
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Retrieved 20 February Paris, Not France 1 Night in Paris. Retrieved August 23, Not originally intended for release, [2] it was filmed primarily with a single, stationary, tripod-mounted camera using "night vision". When Hilton stated publicly that she was "out of it", didn't know what she was doing during the taping of the video and did not approve its public release, Salomon sued Hilton for defamation. Definitely keep scrolling to watch this rich diva take a nice 8 inch maybe 9 inch? Staying in style with the choker She'll suck your cock after class fo' sho'.
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