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According to Hugo Swire , the British Minister of State for the Foreign Office , Psy's music has given the world a glimpse of the dynamism and vibrancy of modern Korea. Promotions for the album included two performances on Inkigayo , where the single "Daddy" won a triple crown, [97] as well as a performance on You Hee-yeol's Sketchbook. Danny Lee and Ai Fei G. Retrieved October 29,
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On December 21, , "Gangnam Style" reached 1 billion views on YouTube, becoming the first video to do so in the website's history. In , state prosecutors accused Psy of "neglecting" his work, holding concerts and appearing on local television networks during his period of prior employment. In South Korea, Psy made his first appearance on Korean national television in after his dancing caught the eye of a TV producer. This is a Korean name ; the family name is Park. Retrieved 4 August
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