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A lovely warm sensation spread over my bottom and thighs as the rhythmic smacks continued. Sally dangled there, wildly bellowing and kicking, her rosy nether cheeks exposed once again to the world. Parents commonly spank children or adolescents in response to undesired behavior. So now it was two crimes - stealing and lying. The hands that had just spanked me soothed the back of my hair. When his mother catches them, she blames him. In extreme cases it can lead to hyperventilation.
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Amber Spanked sway a sensuous.. This is a story I want to write, and I've written stories such as My Blonde Step Mom Spanked Me in the past just to make other people happy, and some of the stories that I've vomited out onto the computer screen and that were published online disgust me but this new series of stories will be different. Showing 1 - 24 of videos. Julia said, "'Oh, ghastly rubbish.
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I used to get spanked with a Ping pong paddle. I remember in grade school, trips to the library where I would look up 'spanking' in the dictionary and how it would send chills through my body. One, you can threaten them with a worse spanking, usually in the form of more swats, if they don't comply. Go Back You are now leaving Pornhub. Six of them, she being the youngest, were sent straight to the principal's office. Jason I would also like to try having my ass spanked harder. The author would like to thank you for your continued support.
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  • Amber Monday, October 30, 2019 - 10:27 PM


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  • Soules Wednesday, March 22, 2019 - 02:19 PM

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