Sex stories barber shave

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‘shaving’ stories

I took one of her wide open pussy too with her cervix showing in the back and her piss hole in the top near the front. He had this great set up in his basement set up like and old fashion barber shop. I felt her pussy area and it was just like she was a young girl. I Reflect on an Interesting Year!
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When he finished the out line he turned to my bush- MY heart was pumping. Of course she had! When I told her that my price was the same for a touch up she just smiled and said that was what she was hoping. Paul and Grant are both young broadway stars in a secret relationship and meet an 18 year old african-american that needs a place to stay. The barber pushed him down, John protested mildly but the barber was not done.
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Sexiest story I've read on here in a long time. He didn't care as he was so aroused by what the barber was doing. The other kids in the locker room were jealous, but I already knew where I was headed. I did grandma, her two daughters, and her three granddaughters too. Dinkar examined with the other hand if anything is left behind. Join us today, its free!
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