Cervical cancer caused by multiple sex partners

Subscribe to OncoLink eNews View our newsletter archives. Smoking also increases the risk of cancer of the cervix, although it is not clear exactly how or why. Volume 95, Issue 13 Persistent human papillomavirus infection and smoking increase risk of failure of treatment of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia CIN NN Acladious and others International Journal of Cancer, On the other hand, having fewer sexual partners means you simply have fewer chances to get busy with a person that has an HPV or any other infection. This means that about This relationship is hard to prove because the two main risk factors for cervical cancer--intercourse at an early age and multiple sex partners--may be more common among women who use the pill than among those who do not. But having a risk factor, or even several, does not mean that you will get the disease.
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Cervical Cancer Linked to Multiple Sex Partners

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Cervical cancer

Symptoms include hoarseness, pain or difficulty swallowing, pain while chewing, a lump in the neck, a feeling of apersistent lump in the throat, change in voice, or non-healing sores on the neck. The risk increased five-fold in those patients with six or more oral sexual partners compared with those who have not had oral sex. It may also be used as the first test. We are opening two trials, the Quarterback Trial for patients with advanced oropharynx cancer, to study how to reduce radiotherapy for patients and the SIRS trials to investigate whether radiotherapy is necessary after surgery for early oropharynx cancers.
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Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) infection

Most women discover the cancer from pap smears. When a woman develops cervical cancer or pre-cancerous changes, it may not be possible to say with certainty that a particular risk factor was the cause. As well as cervical cancer, HPV can cause anal, vaginal, vulval, penile and some types of mouth and throat cancers. Research suggests that the risk of cervical cancer goes up the longer a woman takes OCs, but the risk goes back down again after the OCs are stopped and returns to normal about 10 years after stopping. It is much less common in the United States because of the routine use of Pap smears.
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Still, oral contraceptive labels warn of this possible risk and advise women who use them to have yearly Pap tests to help detect cervical cancer. Chu, MD , Assistant Professor of the Division of Gynecologic Oncology at the University of Pennsylvania Health System, responds: All behavioural outcomes included in the reviewed studies were obtained by self-report. St Lawrence et al. Human Papilloma Virus HPV infection The human papilloma virus HPV is a major cause of the main types of cervical cancer. X Subscribe to Oncolink eNews.
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